Taglilien Sorten  S

Sabine Baur

(Salter 1997) TET 64/15 SEV, ivory-cremr, Auge + Rand dunkelpurpur, Schlund grün, (Cindy's Eye x Daring Deception) 98 Kinder

Sachsen Gruenling

(Albert n.R.) TET 65/13 DOR, goldgelb, Schlund grün

Sachsen Orange Lollipop

(Albert n.R.) DIP / (? X ?)

Sachsen Orange Lollipop

Sambo Wilder

(Weldon 1990) DIP 58/15 DOR, lavendel, purpur Auge, Schlund grün, Duft, (Joan Senior x Graceful Eye) 7 Kinder

Say Can You See

(G.Pierce 2013) TET 96/16,5 EV, creme, Augenringe in rot-lavendel-blau, Schlund grün 5*, 30 Bl., (Blue Jay Tapestry x TET Colorful Etchings) 2 Kinder

Say Can You See

Scarlet Armor

(Benz 2004) TET 66/15 EV, rot, Schlund grün, 2*, 18 Bl., Duft (? x ?)


(Krismer 2019) TET 75/11 EV, pfirsich-rosa, Auge + Rand rot-pink, gelber Zahnrand, 2*, 15 Bl., (Flight of the Raven x How Beautiful Heaven Must Be)

Schweger Milvus

(Frohreich 2023) DIP 102/13 SEV, dunkel-rot mit violett, Mittelrippe weiß, Rand hell-rosa, Schlund grün, 1*, 15 Bl., (Grape Velvet x RFK)

Schweger Milvus

Schweger Milvus

Schweger Schneegestoeber

(Frohreich 2023) 102/16,5 DOR, fast-weiß, Schlund gelb-grün, 3*, 28 Bl., ((RFK x HAI)x Isabelle Rose)

Schweger Schneegestoeber

Schweger Sonnenschein

(Frohreich 2016) DIP 60/20 EV, gold-orange Spider, Schlund grün, ((Mighty Highty Tighty × Jan's Twister) × All American Windmill)

Schweger Sonnenschein

Schweger Spinnentanz

(Frohreich 2011) DIP 110/16 EV, rosa, Schlund gelb-grün, 46 Bl., ((Mighty Highty Tighty × Jan's Twister) × All American Windmill)

Schweger Spinnentanz

Schweger Spinnentanz

Schweger Summer Drummer

(Frohreich 2023) DIP 112/23 DOR, purpur-violett, Auge blau, Rand weiss, großer Rand in grün-gelb-weiß, 2* 28 Bl., ((Dream Sequence x Over the Line)x Slg)

Schweger Summer Drummer

Schweger Summer Drummer

Schweger Traumpfad

(Frohreich 2023) DIP 127/20 DOR, zitronengelb, Rand heller, Schlund grün, 2*, 12 Bl., (Memories of Oz x Rose F. Kennedy)

Schweger Traumpfad

Schweger Watcher

(Frohreich 2023) DIP 102/24 SEV, lavendel, Mittelrippe weiss, Schlund gelb-grün, 2*, 20 Bl., (Regency Heights x Dream Sequenze)

Schweger Watcher

Screaming Pumpkins

(Wilkerson 2007) TET 81/20 SEV, orange, Auge rot, Schlund grün, 4*, 20 Bl., Spider, (Slg x Web Browser)

Screen Pattern

(Stamile 2005) TET 66/14 DOR, creme, Auge mehrfarbig, Schlund grün, 3*, 15 Bl., (Mysterious Eyes x TET Crystal Blue Persuasion) 15 Kinder

Sculpted Treasure

(J.Carpenter 2004)TET 51/16,5 EV, apricoat, sculpted, gerüschter Goldrand, Schlund grün, 5*, 29 Bl., Duft,(America's Most Wanted x Felecia Grace)

Search for Green Pastures

(Korth 2012) DIP 74/13 DOR, rosa-pink, grosses grünes Auge und Schlund, 3*, 15 Bl., (Emerald Starburst × (Our Friend Sally × Artificial Intelligence)) 9 Kinder

Search for Green Pastures

Search for Green Pastures

Searching for Blue

(Shooter-F. 2005) TET 63/14 DOR, mittel-purpur, Auge lavendel, Schlund grün, 3*, 15 Bl.,(Slg x Slg) 1 Kind

Seize the Night

(Stamile 2000) TET 66/14,5 EV, burgundy, Goldrand, Schlund grün, 5*, 30 Bl., Duft, (Bogalusa x Wish Fulfillment) 25 Kinder

Senator Edward M. Kennedy

(Doorakian 2010)DIP 91/19 DOR, rot, Rand dunkel-rot, Schlund gelb-gruen, 3*, 24 Bl., (Rose F.Kennedy x Slg) 2 Kinder

Senator Edward M. Kennedy


(Kaskel 1994) TET 60/14 EV, braun-orange, gewellter Rand, Schlund gelb-gruen, (((Island Empress × Lemonade Supreme) × Ming Porcelain) × ((Most Noble × sdlg) × Ever So Ruffled)) 48 Kinder

Serena Dancer

(Marshall 1986) TET 90/12 DOR, rot, Rand gelb, Schlund grün, ((Fair Annet x TET Edna Spalding)x TET Ed Murray) 22 Kinder

Shades Of The Season

(Salter 2012) TET 84/15 EV, leuchtend-rosa-rot, Schlund grün, 4*,35 Bl., (? x ?)

Shades Of The Season


(Stamile 2001) TET 66/13,5 DOR, lavendel-pink, Schlund grün, 4*, 26 Bl., Duft, (((Slg x My True Love)x Shimmering Elegance)x Be Thine) 4 Kinder

Sharin'the Secret

(Norris 2015) DIP 55/20 DOR, klares-lavendel, Schlund grün-groß, 3*, 20 Bl.,(Sharon's Delight x Secret Arsenal)

Sharin'the Secret


(N.DeVito 2012) TET 74/17 SEV, fast-weiss, Rand gewellt, Schlund grün, 5*, 35 Bl., Duft, (? x ?)


Shelter Cove

(Corbett 2002) TET 76/12,5 SEV, creme-gelb, stark gewellt, sehr runde Bluete, Schlund grün, 3*, 30 Bl., Duft, (Ed Brown x America's Most Wanted) 14 Kinder

Shimmering Dawn

(Pierce 2014) TET 100/15 SEV, creme-pink, Goldrand gewellt, Schlund grün, 9*, 46+Bl., Duft ((Angels Gather Around x Fringy) x sib sdlg to fancy Lace)

Shimmering Dawn

Shores of Time

(Stamile 2002) TET 66/14 DOR, rose-pink, Goldrand gewellt, Schlund grün, 6*, 35 Bl., Duft, (Shimmering Elegance x Ed Brown)x(Red Fang x Northern Glitter) 163 Kinder

Siesta Key

(Salter 2003) TET 74/18 SEV, rosa-orange, Auge rosa-pattern, Goldrand, Schlund grün, 3*, 25 Bl., (? x ?) 2 Kinder

Siesta Key

Silent Melody

(E.Salter 2001) TET 65/12 SEV, kirsch-rosa, Auge pink-rosa, Schlund grün, 4*, 35 Bl., (Colorado Moon Fire x Slg)

Silent Melody

Silent Poetry

(Milikan-Kercheval 1995) DIP 66/12,5 SEV, fleischfarbend bis fast weiss, Schlund grün, (Pink Thistledown x Big Snowbird)

Siloam Dan Trimmer

(Henry 1994) DIP 64/13,5 DOR, rot, Schlund grün, Duft, (? x ?)

Siloam Jim Cooper

(Henry 1981) DIP 40/9 DOR, rot, Auge dunkel-rot, Schlund grün, (? x ?) 11 Kinder

Siloam Olin Frazier

(Henry 1990) DIP 55/13 DOR, rose, gefüllt, (? x ?) 6 Kinder

Siloam Paul Watts

(Henry 1988) DIP 45/12 DOR, rot, Schlund grün, späte Blüte, (? x ?) 6 Kinder

Simply Leaves Me Breathless

(P.Harry 2012) 71/20,5 SEV, hell-creme-gelb, Auge + Rand dunkel-violett, Schlund grün, 5*, 30 Bl., (The Dominator x Me So Happy) 9 Kinder

Singular Sensation

(Stamile 2004) TET 75/15 SEV, creme-pink, Goldrand stark gewellt, Schlund grün, 4*, 28-30 Bl., ((Ride the Wind x Ed Brown)x Chartered Course)x((Slg x Big Blue)x Be Thine)) 41 Kinder

Singular Sensation

Sir Francis Drake

(Stamile 2008) TET 80/16,5 EV, gelb, Auge+Rand rot, Schlund grün, 4*, 30 Bl., (Morning Colors x TET Peppermint Delight) 2 Kinder

Sir Francis Drake

Sky King

(Gossard 2009) TET 140/23 DOR feuerwehr-rot, Schlund grün, 5*, 28 Bl., Duft, (Atomic Inferno x Wandering Wings)

Sky King

Slap and Tickle

(Owen-P. 2015) TET 81/15 Dor, pink-orange, Auge tief-pink, Schlund grün, 6*, 30 Bl.,(Oy Vey x (Hotta Pinkie x Girlish Laughter))

Slap and Tickle

Slap and Tickle


(Tamberg n.R.) TET


SLG-Harry 8-55

(P.Harry n.R.) TET 85/16 EV, weiss, Rand gewellt, Schlund grün, Duft

SLG-Harry 8-55

SLG- Hohls 1717-6

(Hohls n.R.)DIP

SLG- Hohls 1717-6

SLG-Hohls 2800-6

(Hohls n.R.) DIP

SLG-Hohls 3772-2

(Hols n.R.) DIP

SLG-Hohls 3772-2

SLG-Hohls 4682-2

(Hohls n.R.) DIP

SLG-Hohls 4682-2

SLG-Korth Arno's Bow Tie Sister

(Korth n.R.) DIP 70/13 DOR hell bis dunkel-purpur mit großem grün-gelbem Schlund

SLG-Korth Arno's Bow Tie Sister

SLG- N.DeVito

(N.Devito n.R.) TET EV, orange, Schlund grün


(Smith n.R.) TET DOR



(Wilkerson n.R.) TET 96/20 DOR weiss


SLG-Wilkerson 0745

(Wilkerson n.R.) TET 76/17,5 EV, orange, Schlund grün-gelb, Spider/UFO

SLG-Wilkerson 0745


(Färber n.R.) DIP (ASmall Multitude x Indelible Blood)


(Färber n.R.) DIP (Accentuate the Green x MH1115X)


(Färber n.R.) DIP (Darkness Rising x Accentuate the Green)



(Grace n.R.)

Small World Snow Fox

(Miller-M. 2006) TET 66/15 DOR, weiss, Rand gelb, Schlund grün, 5*, 32 Bl., Duft, (White Zone x Michael Miller) 1 Kind

Smitten Again

(DeCaire 2014) TET 70/15 DOR, creme, Auge pattern, Schlund grün, 4*, 30 Bl.,(Answering Angels x Four Beasts In One)

Smitten Again

Snow Crystal

(Stamile 2008) TET 76/14 EV, weiss, gewellt, Schlund gelb-grün, 7*, 55 Bl., (((Ballerina on Ice x Key Lime Ice)x Dream Runner)x Alpine Ruffles) 10 Kinder

Snow Empress

(Smith 2005) TET 75/15 SEV, creme-weiss, Rand gewellt-gelb, Schlund grün, 4*, 30 Bl., (TET Champagne Elegance x Front Porch Swing)

Soli Deo Gloria

(Emmerich 2011) TET 65/16 SEV, dunkel-purpur, Wasserzeichen lavendel, Rand weiss, Schlund gelb-grün, 3*, 20 Bl., Duft, (Slg x Slg)

Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria

Solomon's Bride

(Korth 2017) TET 55/16 DOR, creme-weiss, Rand gewellt, 3*, 15 Bl., (August Wedding x Michael Miller) x King Solomon's Treasure)

Solomon's Bride

Song of the Empire

(J.Carpenter 2004) TET 70/14,5 DOR, gelb-orange, sehr stark gesculpted, 4-6*, 45 Bl., Duft, (Supreme Empire x America's Most Wanted) 4 Kinder

Sophie Kaiser

(Kaiser 2016) TET 71/13 SEV, rosa, Rand weiss, Schlund gruen,3*, 21 Bl., Duft, (((Kathy Chenet × Portofino) × unknown) × (Broken Silence × Myth and Magic))

Sophisticated Statement

(E.Salter 2012) DIP 56/9 SEV, lavendel-pink, Auge pattern-pink-lavendel-magenta-hellviolett, Schlund grün, (? x ?)

Sophisticated Statement

Spacecoast Butterfly Effect

(Kinnebrew 2005) TET 65/15 SEV, creme, Auge patternet-purple, Rand purple, Schlund grün, 3*, 25 Bl., (Gerda Brooker x Spacecoast Dragon Prince) 5 Kinder

Spacecoast Dragon Prince

(Kinnebrew 2002) TET 80/14 SEV, hell-pink, Auge rot, Rand rot+gelb, Schlund grün, 3*, 25 Bl., (Spacecoast Picotee Prince x TET Dragons Eye) 12 Kinder

Spacecoast Irish Illumination

(Kinnebrew 2008) TET 91/15 SEV, zitronen-gelb, Rand gewellt, Schlund grün, 2*, 50+ Bl., (Mike Longo × Spacecoast Hope Beacon) 17 Kinder

Spacecoast Irish Illumination

Spacecoast Plentiful Bounty

(Kinnebrew 2009) TET 60/15 SEV, medium-purpur, rand gelb-gezahnt, 3*, 18 Bl., (Slg x Cosmic Sensation) 1 Kind

Spacecoast White Chocolate

(Kinnebrew 2007) TET 75/16 SEV, creme, Schlund grün, 3*, 24 Bl., (Slg x J.T. Davis) 5 Kinder

Special Candy

(Stamile 2006) TET 81/11 EV, creme, Auge violett, Rand violett + silber, Schlund grün, 6*, 35 Bl., (Rock Solid x Calling All Angels) 12 Kinder

Spellbound Secret

(Salter 2009) TET 74/12,5 SEV, hellgelb, Auge + Rand schwarz-purpur, Schlund grün, 3*, 18 Bl., (( Happy Halloween x Fabulous Black Pearl) x Shipwreck Cove) 4 Kinder

Spider Mörfi

(Hagen Engelmann n.R.) DIP

Spindazzle TET

(Wilson 1983) TET 66/15 SEV, gold-copper mit rot, (Slg x Ferris Wheel) 80 Kinder


(Stamile-Pierce 2013) TET 88/16 EV, hell-orchid-lavendel, Auge dunkel-purpur, Rand dunkel-purpur+ weisse Zähne, 7*, 40 Bl., (Hooked x Slg T838) 22 Kinder



Spirit Of Hope

(Korth 2013) TET 81/13 DOR, lavendel, helles Wasserzeichen, Rand lavendel + gelb, 5*, 32 Bl., (Natalie Grace x Heartbeat of Heaven) 1 Kind

Spirit Of Hope

Spirit Of Hope

Spirit Play

(Ball-L., 2005) DIP 74/15 DOR, fast-weiss, Schlund gelb-gruen, 2*, 15 Bl., Duft, ((Irish Linen x Gentle Shepherd)x Orchid Corsage)

Spirit Play

Splendor of the King

(Korth 2014) TET 63/14 DOR, rot, helles Wasserzeichen, Rand weiß, Schlund gelb-grün, 4x, 21-25 Bl., (Born to Run x Lydia's Cloth)

Splendor of the King

Spoon-billed Sandpiper

(Lambertson 2014) DIP 81/19 SEV, hell-lila, Auge pattern-grau, Schlund grün, 3*, 20 Bl., (Slg x Slg)

Springfield Clan

(Trimmer 2001) TET 102/25,5 SEV, crimson-red, Schlund grün-gelb, 2*, 25 Bl., (Persian Ruby x Point of View) 7 Kinder

Star of India

(Roberts 1992) TET 90/19 EV, lila-purpur, Auge creme+seashell, Schlund creme-gelb, ((Jock Randall x Midnight Magic)x Night Queen) 55 Kinder

Star of Kryptonite

(Polston 2014) DIP 107/15 SEV, purpur, Auge dunkel-purpur Schlund groß-grün, 5*, 18 Bl., Duft, (Bob Faulkner × sdlg)

Star of Kryptonite

Star of Kryptonite

Stardust Dragon

(Gossard 2011) TET 84/22 DOR, fast-weiss, Goldrand, Schlund gelb-grün, 6*, 36 Bl., Duft, (See Me-Feel Me-Touch Me × Tet. Heavenly Angel Ice) 1 Kind


(Belden 1988) TET 65/12,5 DOR, wein-rot, Schlund grün, Rand ivory gekräuselt, (Broadmore Red x My Sunshine) 67 Kinder

Staying Alive

(G.Pierce 2010) TET 91/15 EV, pink, Rand creme-grün, Schlund gelb-grün, 5*, 35 Bl., Duft, ((Dr jerold Corbett x Slg)x Pink Cavalcade) 5 Kinder

Staying Alive

Stenciled Impressions

(Stamile 2002) TET 60/11 DOR, alabaster-creme, mauve-rosa Auge, Schlund grün, 5*, 40-45 Bl., Duft, (( Huckleberry Candy x TeT Little Print )x (( Druids Chant x Rainbow Eyes)x Sheerwater Blues) 16 Kinder

Stenciled Impressions

Stenciled Infusion

(Pierce 2013) TET 75/16 SEV, creme, Auge pattern, Schlund grün, 8*, 40 Bl., (Slg x TET Colorful Etchings) 14 Kinder

Stenciled Infusion

Stenciled Infusion

Stone Beacon

(Stamile 2000) TET 65/15 EV, chrom-gelb, stark gewellt, Schlund grün, 6*, 36 Bl., (( Earth Angel x(Betty Warren Woods x Floyd Cove)x Bill Norris) 3 Kinder


(Tamberg 2017) DIP 152/15 DOR, hellgelb, 5*, 28 Bl., (Berlin Multi x Gladys)


(Gossard 2011) TET 117/25 DOR, rosa-pink, Schlund gruen, 4*, 24 Bl., Duft, Spider (4:1), (Divine Inspiration x String Bikini) 3 Kinder



Supreme Team

(G.Pierce 2015) TET 105/15,5 EV, creme-weiss, Auge purpur, Auge purpur + gelb + Zähne, Schlund grün, 5*, 35-40 Bl., ((Bblueberry Dream x TET texas Kaleidoscope)x Born To Be Wild) 4 Kinder

Suzy Cream Cheese

(Bachmann 2001) DIP 89/18 DOR, creme-pfirsich, Schlund gold-gelb, 5*, 30 Bl., 14 KInder

Suzy Cream Cheese

Sweeping Shadows

(Joiner 1999) DIP 56/19 SEV, crem-pink and self, Schlund gelb-grün, 2*, 15 Bl., (Slg x Slg) 2 Kinder

Sweeping Shadows

Sweeping Shadows

Sweet Almond Mint

(G.Pierce 2012) TET 117/16,5 EV, creme, Auge rot, Rand rot+gruen, Schlund grün, 7*, 40 Bl., Duft, (Orange Cherry Jubile x Born To Be Wild) 6 Kinder

Sweet Almond Mint

Sweet Almond Mint

Sweet Valdosta Memories

(Kinnebrew 2010) TET 76/15 SEV, burgunder-rot, Rand Zähne -gelb, 4*, 26 Bl., (Randy Stephens x Iwanna Piranha) 7 Kinder

Swing From The Stars

(E.Olsen 2002) TET 69/15 DOR, lavendel-rosa, Goldrand gewellt, 3*, 18 Bl., (Early Messenger x Fortune's Dearest)

Swing From The Stars